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tv   [untitled]    November 14, 2012 3:00am-3:30am EST

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people across the debris believe you are involved in a multinational general strike against the government's austerity policies with spain portugal reason to italy at the forefront of the problem. with the prices and growing unemployment in the new fields what it is and why it works to search for a better life and new member countries that monisha about economics. in the new found of the seaward rebel blog it's a vast official recognition that what's probably wrong social also made it clear supplying the opposition with weapons that isn't far away.
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this is all see coming to life for moscow hello and welcome to the program millions of european workers have united against austerity measures as a mega strike kicked off in debt ridden spain portugal greece and italy the most which will be supported in other days as protests are expected all across the continent on the eve of a day of action there were fierce clashes between factory workers and why i suppose that italy sardinia in spain and portugal the start of the strike was marred by angry crowds taking to the streets resulting in a number of arrests and while the e.u. population are struggling to make it on tuesday or to message heard some of managing to flee the turmoil and find a safe haven outside the union but still on the continent autism riffing off work. and also charity house anyone in need is welcome here in the queue for food traditionally immigrants from somalia under many years and this is new some
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europeans as well. who are in father of three came here from spain eleven months ago after he lost his job and gained doubts instead you do need. when i put out there i came here with hope i was forced to leave spain due to the economic crisis and bank recession here i work and make three thousand euros a month and i can pay my debts in spain. milena is not queuing for food she cooks originally from colombia she first immigrated to spain but the crisis pushed her move further on she now works at a cafe in always famous luke museum and while she serves those who come here to admire the world famous scream she says her life if only they knew would probably provoke an even stronger impression on the visitors but it's hard. it's not as easy as they show it on t.v. you go from one country to another like a rolling stone you have kids and nothing to feed them with and no job.
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in september the unemployment rate within the eurozone hit a record high of eleven point six percent in the seventeen countries united by a common currency for more than eighteen million people are now out of work that's an increase of around five thousand every day since august during the years of growth your of was in desperate need of a cheap labor force and therefore provided immigrants from all over the globe with work but with the worst economic crisis since the second world war now engulfing the continent not only is the able to provide jobs for outsiders it cannot even create works for locals turning the tables and sending many of those in a search for a better life abroad to know we for example and non eurozone and only used state two factors some analysts say that have averted this can even country from disaster . in our region krone is one of the safest currencies in europe many people here in
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germany and in other european countries believe that our monetary system is being pressed up against the wall and this makes us weak is when the economic crisis fully engulfed greece last year brussels was on alert then a bailout treaty brought hope and relief apparently for mature spain and portugal joined the club and someone will still be others to come let's release switzerland and norway and not say you members there doing better than any other european country we didn't denmark in the czech republic you known euro countries and we never hear things about the whole system when it steals all the major powers from states political economic diplomatic and military and give it to brussels and washington is doomed with german chancellor angela merkel saying at least five more years will be needed to recover it's clear. countries like no we will not have a deficit in labor force at least some more decades reflection r t from you know we
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germany and france. and let's now go to our first in madrid very nice to see a sarasota days trying has been dubbed historic with millions united in coordinated protest against austerity so what can we expect. absolutely will the general strike starting early hit in spain today protesters were out at midnight you can see just behind me here they've continued throughout the morning we're at one of the bus depot and all the buses he grounded for the day as he said the work is gathered outside of course this isn't just playing this is the first time we've seen a multi national general strike say spain is joined today by portugal by italy by corey in that general strike and many many other countries across europe are also going to be joining them in protest to stall the solidarity countries from belgian to cyprus most of britain is getting their protests disorganized as well
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while you know around this single message and that. too will sterrett say now when you take these individual countries cases on their right and of course the stories of how the austerity measures are the fact that that's very troubling indeed the biggest that you have to this country is a huge unemployment must've tough to say she well but when you take these countries put together and really the picture is a very devastating one in the it's estimated moving twenty five million people now unemployed across europe and as we said we're seeing for the first time as this protest movement that we've seen taking place in countries so often in the last couple of years of crossing borders and all of the joining together will it have any impact only policy making is low that's really hard play here and playing to
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the policy daisy but you see in the bank having a child around them that policy of it to people they put a stop to that in the interim of the very sadly a number of people here in spain committed suicide as they were about to be evicted the housing crisis has really hit this country to take. really hard it is expected to be honest with the. thirty policy it is going to be continued. followed by the country in many ways we see successive governments all cost europe the euro crisis but these countries really have made a deal with the devil they signed up for these bailouts. look we're letting them off the hook and many of the governments remain. sticking to these very tough cuts the only way to get out of the debt crisis while the people here do you have a very different opinion for that they say that it's time for something need today with there's really going to be something new with this approach is needed as you said crossing borders in this europe wide mega strike. reporting there live from
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madrid sorry many thanks indeed for that update. stay with r.t. for our coverage of the u. mega strike as workers unite against austerity. france has become the first western country to recognize the new syrian rebel coalition as these so legitimity voice of the syrian people the u.s. and other european nations stop short of doing so saying the foreign based group should first show it's able to represent syrians inside the country paris also said it would look at arming the rebels also use policy in our reports. the french president francois hollande said that the syrian opposition coalition would act as a temporary government in the future and he said that it would be the tosca of the
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syrian opposition to now establish a transitional government and earlier in the week six gulf states recognize the opposition coalition which we could tolerate foreign minister saying that this recognition now removed obstacles to the securing of weapons to the syrian opposition it is important to make a distinct parallel with what we've seeing back on the tenth of march two thousand and eleven we saw the same scenario unfolding when france was the first country to recognize the transitional national council which was essentially the opposition fighters in libya and this is what we witnessing this parallel situation now in syria what happened in libya and following that french recognition back in libya this set the pavement for international recognition and ultimately lead to foreign forces intervening in that country the arab league which is arguably the most important body in the arab world has given a hesitant welcome to this opposition coalition it has however stopped short of recognizing it as the legitimate voice of the syrian people and then you have
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members of the arab league such as iraq and lebanon that have not fully given their support to opposition fighters in their attempt to topple the syrian president bashar assad there are a number of questions and concerns still outstanding not least among them the whole question of the supply of weapons the question of foreign intervention and also the question of who makes up this opposition coalition and has for days if not weeks now been fractured by internal bickering it is essentially a patchwork of organizations and people that have very different political and religious backgrounds and affiliations so many people are asking well if in fact it is effective and how effective its connections and its ties are with the syrian opposition that is active inside syria. france's full endorsement of the syrian opposition unity bill comes amid fears that there's a growing number of extremists fighting on the side of the rebels and fatah al masri from the free syrian army the military branch of the opposition told us their commanders are not always in total control of confidence. the free syrian army is
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not a regular army but the soldiers of the revolution some troops claim to be part of the f.s.e. but at the same time do not follow orders killings take place but as we are in a revolution we cannot control such events certainly there are some extremists some gangs and some thieves who want to take advantage of the. the new syrian rebel coalition was formed following criticism and turns pressure from the u.s. and some arab states and dr ali mohamed as saying chief of the syria tribune news website questions just how much it reflects the interests of this see when people it's very surprising that they are igniting a coalition that was formed up on the request of hillary clinton as a result of the syrian people and this is this doesn't make sense to me as a syrian and it doesn't make sense politically even the first thing they said poll workers more work and that's what we want and more workers are not in favor of the city people the syrian people are being killed with this we're. told the pentagon
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because conditions over there were certainly shows they are supplying. money to go why are local proxies so we're spending money so here it was in the money he was hosting durables and arming training. or all this was done on behalf of it was a major powers oh because the press and the e.u. are being selective in applying the law. not only that it breaks the embargo but also believe they would be arming some of the extremist groups is this legal in france i don't know if it's possible that some countries will try to go through the treaty that you the instrument or your book city is different than leave your own b. . that what happened in the middle east is beyond anybody's problem because if they decide to go. this is on c.n.n. still ahead for you this hour china's ten year changes for the challenges facing the past growing economy and whether the country's new leaders can call them. decorated army generals falling from grace in connection with the racist candles is
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becoming an alarming trend in washington the career of the current commander in afghanistan is now in jeopardy after he became in time gold in the case that led to the written resignation of cia chief david petraeus said the trainers had to quit after revelations of an affair with his biographer that they emerged as a result of a probe launched after. complaints by a florida socialite who received allegedly harassing e-mails general allen who succeeded the trends in afghanistan is under investigation over inappropriate communication with the very woman who started it all and a feeling is growing that there is much more to the case than pure approach. is that you need to be very well written drama really. nala bomber has been elected for his second term. used to groom to speak the old regime. senior generals who sort of move through the revolving door. of the intelligence
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stations one of the points you get much coverage of our trade. is the fact that he has been very much really. really pushing for the idea that there should be some sort of military action against iraq so there may well have been some sort of maneuvering behind the scenes by other senior intelligence officers to try and get rid of someone that they would see as not so tied to a line which they don't agree with and which undermines their national data. and opinion and speculation of what's behind this high profile scandal on our home for you head there to have your say on what to make of the timing and here's how opinion is divided right now just over a third say the damning information came out to present from testifying about that type on the u.s. consulate in benghazi a little over a quarter believe it's part of a bigger plot to overhaul leadership in a number of top jobs nineteen percent say the timing is linked to the u.s. presidential vote with a cover up taking place to ensure obama's re-election and the same number so you
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know foul play saying it's purely patronesses mistake that led to his downfall so let us know what you're saying on the whole age. or back with more international news for you in just a few minutes. it's perched atop a jaw and the view from the kremlin stretches as far as the eye can see. for a city to all of siberia for centuries. it lost its economic importance even before it was bypassed but a chance i bear in railway but the poles cremains a spiritual center. scenes like these are a yearly occurrence thousands of worship implicity water to commemorate the baptism
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of jesus. in the fifteen eighties the russians had only just conquered siberia taking it from the muslims. surrounded by enemies to be their stronghold constructed on top of the city but soon enough it became an economic siberian oil of its time bringing in a third of the state revenue but the location had of the uses for the russians the russian crowd a revolt against the czar and eight hundred twenty five known as the decembrists will stand here in droves there they created a replica high society adopting the latest fashions as soon as they came out or at least once they made it from paris to siberia. but the city also served up some bit of irony for the russian royal family after the bolshevik revolution. this is the
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office was nicholas the second spend most of the last year of his life his whole family had been exiled here they were the fairly comfortable existence this was a big house but they weren't allowed to see visitors or go outside themselves whilst leaving this ordinary normal countryside lifestyle they even had thought it was but within the year the czar and his family would be dead. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something
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else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. this is coming to life from moscow welcome to the program chinese leader a huge untile has stepped down as they head of the communist party clearing the way for his successor vice president mr payne was expected to take over as the party
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needs our own. says day and the next president in march the transfer took place at the party congress which has drawn to a close in the country's capital the big question now is how the new leadership will affect china's relations with its top political and economic rival the us and some more on this story i'm now joined live by professor sanger chalet from east china normal university professor chalet welcome to the program so do you expect any change in china's foreign policy when the new leader takes over from hu jintao . i think there is good question. i think that china. the chinese. will not change either before or after the political leadership changes because always are sick of the peace and development that is so that china's very important even the most important diplomatic of basic. our singular weasely. change you know it's also going to do some negotiating on.
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foreign policy full ample are seen. of course that we face is really turning years. to communicate with that and other people and of the nation i think also we should do more. critical. trust. crucial yes sure. not only for religion or the politics of this is not right now because we're talking now this kind of right now ok if you can hear minister mr shy away the u.s. is continuing its military expansion in china's backyard as we see hillary clinton is now in australia cementing military ties between the two will beijing to quote
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will beijing begin to question what to and move away from its fairly restrained rhetoric. seen goes through. backyards but anyway i see a good chair and know how to keep the balance your relationship among the different countries with china and also we should pay attention to live. from and other nations just like australia united states including. just a problem just a problem. not only. for current situation but also of president obama simply he will want. to. saw there is a sure. local people so. that
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these various suit for town for president obama. singled out without saying we should do more and you go shoot you with that who is a different the contras so there is a problem. all right thank you very much that was professor thank chalet from east china normal you know us to and we do apologize again for those sound problems which has had all right to other international news stories right now. by car bomb blasts and a roadside explosion have killed at least twelve people across iraq and wounded dozens of others the blast hit baghdad a story of the city's on the eve of a festival marking the islamic new year or so in the capital death tonked a no on the general's convoy and there are often frequented by foreigners and altie news crew has been trapped inside an office building in the emerging calles well
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following developments in the iraqi capital and we'll keep you up to date. u.s. military prosecutors have requested the death penalty for sergeant robert bales who's accused of killing sixteen afghan civilians the incident took place in march one bales allegedly left his remote outpost at night and executed his victims nine of them children the case has become the deadliest required by a single american officer as the beginning of the stuff. coming up in just a couple of minutes our special report business while. the sun rises over what seems like most forest here in new directions quite hundred kilometers north of light of all storms as much of the world it's disappearing at a catastrophic rate.
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mortgages both illegal and those finding ways to outsmart the system falling down the forests of the region for them profit goes well beyond the future of our planet and the result could be an ecological crisis the world wildlife fund for nature makes regular trips to help local rangers do what little they can to stop the logging but it's not easy longer set up trops making them hard to reach in an already rough terrain and have mastered ways to jump through. legal loopholes this is a nature reserve were only sanitary logging of disease trees is allowed according to law and not a single berry can be picked up along like this use their sanitary logging permit to cut down absolutely healthy trees and sell the profitable timber over the border in china we are on the hunt for illegal loggers and it's not going to be easy to
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forests. and our chances are slim now for now we can stay in our dreams but as soon as we find tracks we'll have to drop our wheels and get out silently in order not to scare off alexander some morning has been a ranger for over twenty five years he can spend weeks at a time tracking a single group of loggers easier to work. with in autumn it's impossible to find human tracks and even transport tracks are hard to see after hours of driving we get sent in the right direction by word of mouth you can see that the ground is soft here which means that twelve the tractor trails are very fresh which means that we need to be quiet in order to not scare them off as we get closer. this team says they're illegal but have no documents now xander can now call the police to take over his work here is done overwhelmingly outnumbered there are too few rangers working in the region and the w w f says the government isn't doing
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enough to stop it. now. and according to. the guys in the forest through this still. no one tries to stop them in just five years the force will be gone. what will the people who live afterwards do. it's a question more more. and people are aware of today climate change in the safety of our environment as a whole are being discussed around the world and perhaps it's those small steps that might be a start to people living in harmony with nature. here
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is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a donor night concludes the longest and while this campaign in our history colors in the eleventh world that made for not a claim before our eyes that some are good friends. with twists and turns that have been the hallmarks of this campaign for you to watch what we're about to do good you've never seen anything like this until. the tough guys i'm abby martin so yesterday holly solomon of arizona was arrested and charged with aggravated aggravated assault with reckless driving after running her husband over with their s.u.v.s why you may ask why she was pissed off at it in
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a vote in a presidential election she said their family would quote suffer because of president obama's reelection i guess you could say she was politically driven but clearly what she didn't realize is that no matter what president we have as long as the two party system in control it's all the same so shame on you as a solomon for letting something so foolish push you into a bottomless abyss ok enough of that crazy let's go break that. looks like we're going to do the job or she's going to be like i'm drunk. so today congress reconvenes after a five week hiatus now that the election is over there are many foreign policy issues that need to be addressed with new legislation put forward but have you ever asked yourself if u.s. legislation is even created by lawmakers anymore it's a good question to consider when you know that millions of dollars are being spent
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on lobbying congress every year and that one out of every ten of those dollars comes from foreign governments as the u.s. continues its military dominance in the world how much influence do outside governments wield over u.s. foreign policy decisions ben freeman national security investigator at the project of government oversight says that foreign governments go well beyond the sphere of influence with policy making he's the author of the new book called foreign policy auction where he writes the following he says u.s. foreign policy is being sold not just altered shifted or manipulated or influence sold every single day the agents of foreign governments work to not only monitor u.s. foreign policy but to actively change and even create it they meet with policymakers don't to their campaigns write their speeches and even write legislation and he joins me now to talk about what this all really means ben thank you so much for coming on thanks for having me i want to read it one more protests.


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